Thursday, November 13, 2008

A New Do

OMG...Atfer seeing clumps of hair on her pillow, floor, and brush Jaimee decided to get rid of her hair today...
Jaimee is a strange one...She wanted us to pull her hair out before she let Tay and I cut and shave it all off...That was just wrong!!!
Jaimee always cried after every haircut but for some weird reason Jaimee did not shed one tear today, she was very happy to have it all removed...
Tomorrow is another day for testing Jaimee's blood...The doc said she may need a transfusion or platelets soon...Hopefully we can use the blood and platelets Bryce has graciously donated to her...Thank you sweetheart ; *
I would like to thank everyone for being so kind to all of us, we greatly appreciate your support and friendship...
Tay and Jodee

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