Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29, 2008

Jaimee did more tests yesterday but no needles...wooohooo

Tomorrow Jaimee checks into "The City of Hope" for a port to be put into her chest to access her veins when needed...While Jaimee is under anesthetic the doctors may decide to do another bone marrow test on the left hip where the PET scan showed cancer activity, not on the right one : (

When Jaimee wakes up from having the port put in she will be admitted to the paediatric word of the hospital for her 1st chemo treatment...The doctor will let us know when she can come home, hopefully 3-4 days from tomorrow...

Tomorrow will be the start to a journey of recovery...



l sasaki said...

Hi Jaimee:

We are thinking of you and will continue to pray for your full recovery.

with friendship and prayers to you and your family,

the sasaki

Nancy said...

Good Luck Jaimee. Take Care and let the docs and nurses wait on you. Let your family wait on you, too!!!

Thinking of you and praying for full remission! love, nancy

BobKuni said...

Hang in there, Jaimee. Your constantly in our thoughts.
Bob, Karen & Ryan Kunihiro